Axiom Business Concepts
CTO, Axiom Business Concepts
Rob is the CTO and a founder Axiom. Rob is a PDMA certified New Product Development Professional and consultant whose resume includes over 25 years in New Product Development, Product Management, Marketing Management, Brand Management, Organic Chemistry, Operations, Engineering and R&D efforts at General Electric, Gould(GNB), and The Toro Company.
Rob has consulted for over 20 years with organizations worldwide in the area of New Product Development implementation processes and has over a dozen active patents bringing in over $2 billion in revenue. Rob was a guest faculty at the University of Minnesota teaching New Product Development and frequent speaker on New Product Development, Product Management, Market Research and managing Innovation. He is also an adjunct professor at the University of Virginia.
He has coauthored many articles on product development, a JPIM article Experimental Education in New Product Design and Business Development, advanced market research techniques, knowledge management and the culture of continuous innovation. Rob currently is on the board of SCPD (Society of Concurrent Product Development), an adviser to Robotics Alley and longtime mentor for FRC (First Robotics Competition) 612-861-6171